Title: A Maddening Descent Into A Rushed Completion Of A Poster That Is Vaguely About The Legend Of Zelda But I Didn't Budget My Time Well Enough

Walk Through: You can click on the black dot on the speaker to turn on and off the music, and click the monitor to display the p5.js project that is being played.

Design Goals and Process: Originally I was planning on making a nice little scene of Link from "The Legend of Zelda" relaxing on the beach, but it took me a long time to decide on this idea, and by the time I needed to start implementing things I was well into my week extension. The only thing I knew that I wanted to do was create an excuse to record my own cover of "The Song of Storms" on the bass guitar. Despite spending a good amount of time playing around with p5.js, I found that using javascript for the first time to be frustrating and difficult. In the end all I had was a recording of the aforementioned song and a whole lot of pent up aggression. So I channeled that energy into making something with basic functionality and a design that would make both A.M. and the TAs cringe seeing it this far into the course, as at first glance it appears that I have learned nothing about visual design and communication. But the reality of the situation is more akin to "Graphic Design is My Passion." I chose the font Open Dyslexic because I wanted the text to be accessible, but also added music because I'm a hypocrite. In all sincerity, I hope you disliked this.